Mall of America

Our last stop before we got to Canada on our road trip was The Mall of America. So I’m just gonna say right off the bat that I was a little disappointed by the mall. I had better hopes for the size and everything. 8a717bbd-bfe9-47ad-a77c-9881ee500bfcLike the Nickelodeon area and Lego area took up most of the mall and so store wise it wasn’t very big. But that does not mean I didn’t enjoy it or have a good time, just one of the thoughts I had about it. Im a little biased towards the Eaton Centre in Toronto 😉 Obviously the facts that it had a freaking theme park and baby lego land in it is amazing in itself.b21782ad-1aea-43e3-ae5e-23a23e8af598 Also I loved the Caribou Coffee, which is basically the Starbucks of Minnesota.  For dinner we had Shake Shack which I MISS so bad because I haven’t had it since we left NYC!6fa6487e-69d5-4396-8cc4-776980c38049

We just got one in Dallas but I haven’t gone yet so I was in heaven! If you haven’t had Shake Shack I am so sorry for you honestly.

After dinner we went and explored some more and I found the most stunning Christmas tree, which was also SO HUGE!058e60ce-536a-4fae-9234-0c836980f90a I was trying to see the top when this got snapped. 107e29a7-2f1b-4ec5-8e87-086bd678e32d

We ended at L.L.Bean where you can take awesome pics with this adorable boot! I mean how can you pass up such a good opportunity 😛

All around it was an awesome experience and if you can make your way up to Minnesota to the mall I would definitely check it out!

Don’t forget to follow/stalk me on social media 😉



Snapchat- allyash96

Until next time,


12 thoughts on “Mall of America

  1. lol I am so interested in reading more now bc I am moving up to North Dakota soon and have no idea what culture is like in the North! I have been in the South my whole life. Even little details like Caribou is the Starbucks of Minnesota catches my attention :))

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I was a little disappointed when we went, too. I guess I was expecting a bit more variety in the stores instead of actual duplicates of them inside the same mall. I should have taken a photo with the big boot!

    Liked by 1 person

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